Monday, July 20, 2009

Call to delay climate vote

The Age, July 21, 2009

OPPOSITION emissions trading spokesman Andrew Robb has called for the agreed August Senate vote on the proposed legislation to be put off once again.

Mr Robb's call came yesterday amid fresh Opposition confusion over its emissions stance, and as a poll showed more than three in 10 businesses say they have no knowledge of the Government scheme's key elements.

Before Parliament rose, the Opposition agreed with independent Nick Xenophon to a vote — which a Senate majority wants — being held mid-next-month.

But Mr Robb told The Age last night that work commissioned by the Opposition and Senator Xenophon from Frontier Economics, and his findings from his recent trip to the US and China "will reveal major deficiencies" in the scheme and point to a way forward.

Earlier, Malcolm Turnbull hinted at a possible deal this year on the legislation, only to draw a sharp slap from a senior Nationals senator.

Queensland senator Ron Boswell reminded Mr Turnbull the Coalition joint party room had decided the legislation should be opposed in the Senate if the Government refused to defer it until next year.


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